More walking and more inside time are in store for both of them. The Ridgeback Dog breed is often known as “African Lion Dogs” and also hunting dogs. Shiba Inu may not bark much, but they can be very vocal. Answer: Bichons are great dogs because they are happy and do not shed much. They live about 12 years if they survive all the accidents and diseases. The Basenji is probably one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dog, and perhaps that’s why he’s not a barker. DO NOT buy from a pet shop or an internet puppy mill. We’ve talked about small dogs that don’t bark and medium-sized dogs that don’t bark so, of course, it’s time for us to share big dogs that don’t bark. Here are some great some dog breeds that do not bark much: So are there any little dog breeds that are quiet? It’s not good. Too late! Barking dogs can be a real nuisance, especially if you live in close proximity to your neighbors. She also has a "mumble/grumble" vocalization that is not loud, but is so funny it always makes me laugh. These noble Japanese dogs are very small and weigh only 9 pounds. IGs are also prone to luxating patellas (trick knees), a hip disease called Legg-Calves-Perthes, eye problems like retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts, and epilepsy. Avoid making him happy or sad. Despite that, they are incredibly lovable and fun dogs to have. Still, she doesn't bark much otherwise except to "tell" me something ("Time to eat, Mom" or "Need to go potty"), most of which I'm grateful for her doing. Small Dogs That Bark Less and Make Cute and Quiet Companions. Shih Tzu. (My dog has that "rowr-rowr" that means "get off that computer and take me for a walk already"!). (However, calling them miniature is not “PC.” How about vertically challenged?). It’s good to know, however, that they are pretty sensitive: their thin coat isn’t enough to make them warm during winter, and they have to be cooled in the summer because they’re prone to heat strokes. I own two toy Schnauzers. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 18, 2018: Maya, the English Bulldog is WAY too big for a small dog list. They have to be under 25 lbs. Want to know dog breeds that don’t produce a regular barking. Thank you DrMark1961! Like all dogs with short noses, they don’t do well in hot and humid weather. Furthermore, Bichon Frise is common representative of small dog breeds that don’t shed. Other Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed. French Bulldog. you did it Again!!!! Small dog breeds do not always bark a lot. 2. They certainly are large and fierce dogs, but they actually don’t use their bark as much as most dogs of their size. (Bulldog is really from the French for “a ball Mastiff.”). Besides all this, they’re highly intelligent and therefore a delight to train. A purposeful bark alerts th… They have the same characteristics but are smaller with less health issues. The coat only needs to be brushed occasionally and clipped short every couple months for easy maintenance. Dogs do bark; there's no questioning that. Basenji. Despite this, it’s a loyal and affectionate dog. Mahaney gave Woman's Day the scoop on all the calm dog breeds out there. The Shih Tzu is one of the small lap dog breeds that make the top three of that category with Yorkshire Terriers and the Maltese, for exactly the same reasons. Frenchies are blocky, muscular, and smooth, with coats in several different colors, batwing ears, and smushed-in faces. Answer: The Bichon is a very sweet little dog. While the above dogs are not in any particular order, they are all considered the dog breeds which bark the least. Sleeping Boston terriers have even less reason to bark. :). Read on. Basenji. Literally. Basenji – Quietest of the Small Dogs that Don’t Bark. Yes! Their sweet faces, big brown eyes, and fluffy ears are hard to resist, which is … Some people say that barking is all just a matter of training. I think I could live with the barking. Read on. While you can teach your dog to bark less than they would be naturally inclined, there are also naturally quieter breeds of dogs. A regal name for a regal dog! It can produce its own type of sound, but we won’t get any annoying barking from it. If you were wondering whether there are small dog breeds that don’t have this problem, the answer is — yes. The most interesting characteristic of Basenji is that it doesn’t bark. This habit has made me really dislike the breed. Scottish Deerhound. Some of these quiet dog breeds are low maintenance too, meaning that they have low energy levels, do not require many daily walks and do not require daily grooming.. They weigh about 10 kilos, or 22 pounds, and still have the thick bodies of their Mastiff ancestors. Others, like the Basenji, are especially noiseless. 2. Visit dog shows, talk to people that are showing Shibas, and make an appointment to visit a breeder. Some pedigree lines bark more than others, so ask the breeder about the puppy's parents to find out if your young dog is going to bark a lot. Chins may have come from China, and may be related to the Pekingese, but that does not make them Chinese. I cannot wait to share it. My roommate has a Boston terrier and he barks SO MUCH at EVERYTHING. They keep a listing of dogs available at shelters in your area, and you may find a great dog just a short drive away. Basenji’s are a type of hunting dog that originally hailed from Africa. Answer: The best breed of dog for someone who is nervous around dogs is one of the first-time or affectionate dog breeds. Also, do they shed? These dogs are pretty popular among apartment owners because they don’t bark much and are easily adaptable. That means that we should make a choice compatible with our lifestyle. They include: Greyhound; Shar Pei; Afghan Hound; Cavalier King Charles Spaniel; Bernese Mountain Dog; Scottish Deerhound; Rhodesian Ridgeback; Japanese Chin; Coton de Tuléar Small dogs that don’t shed are ideal pets for families. I just arrived in my car and was gathering my things(not in the site of the door) and I heard him start barking and there was NOTHING around. Chinese Crested are also great for an apartment. I've baby sat my friends French bulldog and my gosh I thought the Boston was bad, the frenchie is even worse! This does not mean that they never bark—only that they tend not to bark excessively. :). Be vary, vary quwiet! I guess the Shiba would be dog that doesn't bark much and does not have a lot of health issues, but they are certainly not for everyone. It's possible to train a dog to bark less, but you can improve your odds of having a quiet dog by selecting a breed with a low tendency to bark.Although it's important to remember all dogs will make some noise, here are 10 generally quiet dog breeds. However, a Basenji can’t be considered “silent.” Many of them yodel and, although they don’t bark, … Standing nearly 3 feet high at the shoulder, a Scottish Deerhound won't fit in your lap, but the tall hound makes up for it with a dignified and gentle personality. These canines are devoted to their families and seek attention at times. Dogtime has shared some ideas for good apartment dogs, with a list of small dogs that don’t bark much, if at all. If barking is the main reason you do not want a dog then the Bichon is not a good choice. Cute suggestion though! These dogs are little, but Frenchies are not toys. Mary Craig from New York on April 22, 2013: Another great one DrMark....I love the way you write your hubs so that they are enjoyable to read and yet packed with so much good and useful information. It is a lively and charming toy dog with minimal barking. For breeds that tend to bark less than others, here are a few suggestions: Basenji. Ofcourse, all dogs bark with perhaps the exception of the Basenji who makes othertypes of communicative sounds. Answer: Not as much as they shed! Basenjis tend to “yodel ” or howl loudly while Basset Hounds and Beagles tend to “bay” — which is a long drawn out very deep sounding noise. They rarely bark unless there is a due cause. Barkingis one way that dogs communicate. Their not as small as the other dogs on your list but they are somewhat short and chubby. The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is another one of the small dogs that don’t bark. The Top Eight Breeds Known for Their Quiet Ways. They do bark, though, but not as much as some other breeds that are watchdogs. She usually saves this one for when she's trying to get me to leave the computer and pay attention to her or she's telling me it's past my bedtime! I adore Miniature Shnauzers, but I think excessive barking is hard wired with that breed. Since they are so fragile, they sometimes break their leg bones just messing around and pretending to be a full-sized greyhound. This is exactly what our nation needs and I appreciate it greatly and intend to spread it widely! However, there are other dog breeds which are known for not barking much. Thanks, Scribenet. If you want to find a list of small dog breeds that bark a lot, just open up any list of small dog breeds. The Other 9 Dog Breeds that Bark the Least. Shiba fanciers like to point out that this breed has been around thousands of years, and individual dogs have a long life expectancy, about 13 or 14 years. In fact, it’s horrible. As the name sounds, the latter is hairless with some fur on his feet, tail, and head. If you want to find a list of small dog breeds that bark a lot, just open up any list of small dog breeds. It will all be worth it as soon as you bring your new dog home. A French bulldog is probably going to stay by your side, as long as you don’t get out and exercise too much, and probably won't bark unless he needs to alert you to a problem (like a visit from a neighbor's dog who barks a lot). Question: Do Coton De Tulears bark a lot? The great news is that they hardly ever bark, but will make a great watchdog if something strange passes their way. This breed is more known under the name “Westie” and is also one of the most popular indoor dogs. I am very impresssed. No, not at all, but they are vocal. Their barks are piercing and everything anybody opened ANY door of the house, bathroom, closet. Much of this depends on the environment, and if you teach your dogs to alert, and then tell them not to bark, you can train them to bark less. 1. Italian Greyhounds (IGs) are delicate and frail and don’t require much grooming, just a bath about once a month. They’re a joy to own because of their energetic nature and natural cleanliness. Try visiting a dog show and looking at some of the fine examples you see there. So if we have a large yard and lead an active life, there are plenty of large dog breeds to choose from. Poodles are one of the breeds that not be encouraged to bark from the first day you bring them home, and if trained not to bark a lot they make great pets. They are all so adorable! Here are some other non- or low-shedding Terrier breeds: Maggie Griess from Ontario, Canada on April 15, 2013: I think he might out-weigh a few of these breeds! B A Tobin from Connnecticut on April 15, 2013: Once again a truly valuable hub...I am nick naming you the "dog talker", I really love that we could actually hear breeds live through video! Mostdogs will alert you to someone at your door or wandering on your property. French bulldogs make perfect companions for those who aren’t very active since they themselves require little exercise. It seems that this barking problem is a non-issue with your enjoyable household! That is another great thing about dogs--they don't mind letting us talk. The animal shelter may have just the dog you are looking for. One of my daughters has a Whippet, very similar to the Italian Greyhound but a tad more sturdy. They bark and bark. Here are 14 of the quietest dog breeds you should not miss. Barking is not really a problem with these dogs, but they may shout out on occasion when watching the house. Do not buy a puppy from a pet shop or an internet wholesale site. 1. You want a small dog breed, but you don’t want him to bark and be yippy (like many small dogs can be). Nothing available? We all know what it’s like to encounter a little dog with a big bark. Dogs bark. Chin are as Japanese as sushi. They are a lot of energy, packed into a little package, and have a full-sized dog bark!!! The hairless type does not shed much and is easy to clean with a wet cloth. I know in our surgery clinic, it's the little guys that are happy to bite, bite, bite! Small dogs like the Chinese Crested are prone to dental disease so should have the teeth brushed daily. Best CBD Oil for Dogs – Giving Your Pooch the Greatest Care. Is this Japanese Chin barking? They’re a fairly intelligent breed that can be easily trained because of their willingness to please. However, they rarely bark and are even lazy snorers. They are very quiet and nice apartment dogs. DogAppy profiles 5 small dog breeds known for their quietness. Believe it or not, there are some small dog breeds under 30 pounds that are quite reserved and shy and will therefore not bark at all.. They can be very playful and energetic for a while and after that sleep for hours. If you are interested in finding a little dog that does not bark much, be sure to call or run by your local animal shelter first. If you're sitting on the sofa, he is sitting next to you. When Italian greyhounds sleep, they do not bark. How can I encourage the little darlings to shut up? This is another breed that really only barks to alert his owner, but they are vocal at times and have an unusual singing voice. If you’re looking for a pooch on the quieter side, what are the best breeds for families looking for dogs who don’t bark a lot? Bernese Mountain Dog. I'll try to find it and forward to you. The Basenji is likely to makes everyone’s top choice for a quiet small dog breed. West Highland White Terrier . However, Bullmastiffs are fit for every owner. If that is the case, I would consider a quieter breed. Next up on my list of small dog breeds that don’t bark much is the Italian Greyhound. 4. That said, there are dog breeds that tend to be less vocal than others. With so many breeds to choose from, there are many who make the list of dog breeds who don’t bark a lot. Answer: Yes, Toy Poodles do tend to bark a lot. Oh well, at least you can remind yourself that they are really cute!!! Bulldog. He has been working with dogs for more than 40 years. He's spent a small fortune at the veterinary eye specialist and hospital, with two surgeries already required, and his beloved dog only has one eye now. If you are nervous about being around a dog and do not want one that will climb up onto your lap, check out You will notice that some breeds make both lists. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 22, 2013: Min Pins certainly wont make this list! Also be sure to look at The white Schnauzer featured in your "Five Really Cute White Dog Breeds" is a dead ringer for my Mamie, but her sister Belle is even more "mouthy." Check out the 10 breeds below that tend to be among the quietest dog breeds. At times, their working-class background comes though, as they were bred from fighting dogs and ran through the factories of the northeast U.S. searching for rats. Choosing a dog should be a rational decision. 2. Behavior problems usually start when the dog is left alone all day. Most of the breeds listed are known for their barks. (They're all very pretty dogs, however, so it's understandable why many people want them around.). I have had two shih-tsu dogs that did not bark. But don't worry, small dog lovers, there are exceptions to this rule. Question: Do Chinese Crested dogs bark a lot? Question: Are Toy Fox Terriers nuisance barkers? If everything goes okay, Bostons live about 12 or 13 years. Other Small Dogs That Don’t Shed. They’ll thrive if given … Japanese Chin usually live about 10 years, but they are one of those breeds that can live a long, long time. They do need to have their teeth brushed every day since they are prone to dental disease. It seems all the brachycephalic breeds are prone to so many medical disorders that excessive barking seems like a walk in the park. We live in a manufactured home community. They may be related to pugs, but no one really knows what all is mixed in there. Since they do not stink and are fairly clean, they are a good choice for someone who wants a small white dog. This dog is very small and agile, easy to maintain and train, and although naturally reserved, it can be aggressive towards other dogs. 12. This Boston also has what appears to be the canine equivalent of sleep apnea, which can lead to heart disease. They act like a little red fox around the house, are about as easy as red fox when it comes to training, and get along with other dogs about as well as your average neighborhood fox. Thanks to their gentle and quiet nature, they play well with young families. The most interesting characteristic of Basenji is that it doesn’t bark. Typically, the breed consists of two versions – the hairless and powder puff. Talk to breeders and find out when puppies or an adult dog will be available. These dogs are good for indoor as well as outdoor activities. These dogs are intense on the field (at work), but calm and gentle at home. It's a fact of nature, it's how they communicate. They are close to hypoallergenic when kept clean. Shutterstock. Another one is the Miniature Bulldog. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 17, 2013: Thanks for stopping by, teacuppigs. Dr. Mark is a veterinarian. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 15, 2013: Thanks, barbat! After all, the Basenji is the only dog unable to bark. If you’re looking to add a new furry friend to your home and having a companion who doesn’t really bark is a big want of yours, then this list is for you! This is the smallest of the Japanese dog breeds (only about 4 kilos, or 9 pounds), but some people consider them one of the tiny Chinese dogs. But since they are very energetic, they need to be walked at least twice a day, so they get enough exercise and don’t get bored. I appreciate you taking the time to share! As we’ve mentioned in both of those blogs, there’s no such thing as dogs that don’t bark… However, there are lots of breeds that don’t bark often! Even though the IG is not brachycephalic, he too has a lot of issues. now I'm hesitant about any of these other breed :( I guess I'll just stick to big dogs! 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