Any use or disposition He chooses to make of any part of His creation is His sovereign right. What have you been called to? Love Worth Finding's purpose is to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith. Sometimes what we see as a defeat is actually a victory. Friend, God will give you liberty. Divine providence should not hinder prayer. Adultery. you keep on walking. Letting go and giving it to God is probably one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life. I was searching on the internet with the “plug” God is in control, and there you were. Control is the hardest thing to give up because without it we feel vulnerable. My question is: To what degree are our actions and daily walk with God predestined? 14. But definitely one of the best things!” I know when I start my day with God, in the Word learning His biblical truths, letting go of control throughout the day becomes easier. My headaches and tight stomach went away and I began to experience peace as I trusted God and no longer had the burden of trying to perfect my own life experience. Synthetic salvation. If we can face problems and tragedies and not be shaken in our faith in the goodness of God, we have won a major victory. Today we see our nation truly divided against itself. I’m not saying this because of an assumption like “That’s what God means,” or, “That’s what the human will does or doesn’t require,” or, “That’s what causality is.”. Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own imperfect understanding. Anybody who lives a life of fornication is living a life of the flesh, a life out of Spirit-control. I’m just not even thinking that way. That’s not just the end of the ship cruise. Tozer, but that’s a bad analogy. Some of you do the exact opposite: You just give up! This is much like “variance.” These are the people who split churches, split homes, split neighborhoods and communities. Whenever we face out-of-control situations, we tend to go to one of two extremes. I must say that wikiHow has been so helpful to my whole life. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, … Uncleanness in this verse has the idea of wrong thoughts—impure thoughts. So often in life we may find this to be true: we hold on too tightly to things we were never meant to control. Luke 12:22-26 ESV / 1,680 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. I want us all to learn this: Liberty is not doing your thing. The Christian life is not a legal relationship; it is a love relationship. The word witchcraft is sometimes translated sorcery. Ps. And because God is good, we can have full confidence in His absolute and loving control … Trust, Trust, Trust. I’m going to see the law as my friend. “I’ll turn around. To be fully at liberty, our lives must be brought under control. We are free in the sense that we can do whatever we choose, but ultimately God governs what we choose. Turn to these other Scriptures. Not only is He in control of the world, not only is He in control of history; God is also in control of our lives. Put God in the driver’s seat of your life, beacause anything under His control will never be out of control. . We grit our teeth and say, “I’m gonna to do it!”. Dominion theology (also known as dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their understandings of biblical law.Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied. You close yourself up to the Holy Spirit. We should come to the Bible and try to listen to it for what it says without bringing our philosophical assumptions to it. Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord. Both those things are struggling within us. Suddenly you realize that you’re not in control, that God is in control through the Holy Spirit, and the flesh has been put out of business and you are growing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather, “…walk in the Spirit…”, For example, if I were to say to you, “Walk in this building,” that means “stay inside this building.” This building is the parameter, the circumference, the environment in which you walk. Turn to Colossians 2:6, a major verse to living the Christian life and the Spirit-controlled life. He cares for those who trust in him. Idolatry. Here is one last observation. It implies that the choices we make in life on the ship don’t have any decisive effect on the outcome of our lives — the destination of the ship. God’s Eternal Plan One of our problems with the sovereignty of God is that it frequently does not appear that God is in control of the circumstances of our lives. He knows when a sparrow falls and he numbers the hairs on your head. Heresies. I held my cup tightly to make sure that whatever I wanted got in and whatever I didn’t want stayed out. We need to recognize His authority and move over to let Him lead. Church Life, Politics, Practical Justice, Theology. By the Spirit of God, we’re made free. I think philosophical assumptions here are the nemesis of true biblical thinking. Variance. That’s not true. Question: "How does the sovereignty of God impact my everyday life?" We must have a Spirit-controlled life, operating by the standard—God’s precepts and principles. Seditions. God is the creator and controller of the universe and all that is in it, whether animate or inanimate. 1. Now, all those texts refer to ordinary, on-the-boat decision-making. Suddenly you realize that you’re not in control, that God is in control through the Holy Spirit, and the flesh has been put out of business and you are growing in the Lord Jesus Christ. In v. 22, watch how Paul switches gears now. There are several problems with this proposal that says life is like a cruise ship whose destination is sovereignly decreed while the life on the ship is not sovereignly decreed. Judgment impaired by the abuse of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance. God is accountable only to Himself. What we think is random in this world or uncontrolled, the Bible says is from the Lord. Why? God is in control of my life, but still I have freedom to control my body and feelings. “Fear not, therefore . All too often when there is news of a tragedy, such as a mass shooting or a child suffering from bone cancer, there will be someone who will say something like, “God is in control. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Certainly not by license or legalism, but by liberty. Examples of this abound in every area of life…astrophysics, electricity, mathematics, architecture—and your life. This is Paul’s argument in Acts 17:22-31. by Michael Youssef, unknown edition, He lets me rest in fields of … Revelings. This is the same point but a different angle as to why this is an unbiblical proposal. Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at ______________: for I seek Thy ____________. The word sedition literally means “to stand apart.” People who separate themselves into cliques and enclaves. Maybe I had just been fooling myself. That’s really random and insignificant. The singer wonders why God hasn’t stepped in to step the relenting storms that have crashed into his life. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. The victorious life, therefore, is a walk. For much of my life, I filled my cup with as much as it could possibly hold. You can stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free. Well, I love A.W. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. So, as I received Him by repentance and faith, so I walk in Him by repentance and faith. A person who reads pornography, entertains himself with licentious literature, media, music or entertainment, is leading an out of control life of the flesh. I’m going to let the Spirit draw the parameters of my life. He explains and expounds the Word of God through examples and personal disclosure. You often hear people talk about the Spirit-controlled life. But you did not honor the God who holds in His hand your life and all your ways (Daniel 5:23). Wrath. How, then, are we going to have a Spirit-controlled life? And let the _____________ of God ________ in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. And frankly, I knew very little about me or Him at that time. Ten thousand “don’ts” will not make you one bit more like Jesus. 443 Followers, 996 Following, 576 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from God Is In Control Of My Life (@rosedale_finest) But as my career, ministry, relationships, and spiritual life hit a series of dead ends, I wasn’t so sure. Beginning with v. 19, fill in these deadly works of the flesh: 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: ______________, _____________________, ___________________, _______________________, 20 ______________, __________________, ______________, _______________, ___________________, ___________, ____________, _________________, ______________, 21 ________________, ________________, ________________, _____________, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. As we look at the works of the flesh (v. 19-21) and ask ourselves how—and if—they manifest in our lives (in contrast to the Spirit-controlled life, v.22-25), we need to understand what the Bible means by “the works of the flesh.”. So let me give you the texts that are governing me here — or at least give them to Josh so that he can ponder them. The result of the flesh-controlled life is wasted time, weakened bodies, warped thinking, and wretched lives. You are the winner, no matter what! It says things like Proverbs 16:33: “The lot is cast into the lap [we would say the dice are rolled on the board], but its every decision is from the Lord.” That’s choosing a random thing and saying, “No, it’s really not random from God’s perspective.”, If you’re bothered by all those texts coming from the Old Testament — which you shouldn’t be, but if you are — here’s Jesus’s way of saying the same thing. But when pressures and heartaches come into our lives, many give up any hope of ever finding love. Divisiveness. © 2021 Love Worth Finding Ministries. Verse 16 doesn’t say “walk with” or “walk after” the Spirit. Part of our nature is called the flesh (our old nature—inherited from our ancestors—which craves wrongdoing) and part is called the Spirit—the part that has been born again. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the ___________ of the _________ is, there is ________________. I’m not going to see the law as my enemy. Let’s deal with them and get them out of the way so we can learn how to have the Spirit-controlled life. Don’t fence me in. it absolutely was writtern very completely and bene;cial. But all must be in the context of the Holy Spirit leading and directing your life. So that people all around the world might hear the Truth, and believe! He turns it around to show us the way God has for us to live. If you’re sick and tired of the works of the flesh, if you want to have liberty and joy that belongs to the children of God, so walk in Him. It’s just baffling to me — in fact, it makes me mad — when Christian teachers try to take the sovereignty of God away from the nitty-gritty battle for holiness, which is everything in our Christian life. Now, the way he controls all things may differ. He has difficulty even hearing God’s voice amidst the heavy drumming of the raindrops. It begins with a decision, that moment where you say, “I will.” Then the circumference of that walk—“in the Spirit.” It is followed by a process, continuation, a step at a time. 3:5-6 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. The Lord wants to set us at liberty to serve Him freely and joyfully. The Bible is pervaded by teachings that God’s sovereign control is complete, not partial. In your own words, what is the Spirit of God in this verse telling you? The Holy Spirit is the element in which you walk. Lasciviousness. But see the law as your friend. It’s hard sometimes, to let go. 20:7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Hebrews 12:14 says, “Strive [on the ship] for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” See the Lord is the arrival at the destination. Jun 3, 2015 - God is in control of my life. By Your power, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”. Look at 1 Corinthians 15:10–11: “But by the grace of God I am what I am [on this ship], and his grace toward me was not in vain. Our study this month focuses on Galatians chapter 5. If God is in control, why is my life such a mess? On the back of every law is a song. It actually has to do with the use of drugs. How can we bring that discipline (control) into our lives? It’s arrogant not to think this way about our cruise behavior. 8. Just turn on the evening news or observe the current political scene. Are you getting it? You would be wrong. Being out of control is what the Bible describes as “the works of the flesh.” You see, either “the flesh” or the Spirit is going to be controlling your life. 6. All Rights Reserved. Carrying around hatred in your heart? If you want to live a Spirit-controlled life, here is what you need to pray: “Dear God, I’m not going to live a life of license. So often in life we may find this to be true: we hold on too tightly to things we were never meant to control. He is, in fact, the Lord of lords and the King of kings and in absolute control of time and eternity. (2) And something we shouldn’t do (a negative) Be not _______________________ again __________________________________________________________________. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.”, I think the reason he chose two sparrows and one of them just dropping dead off a branch in a jungle somewhere is because that just seems to be the least significant thing in the world. A burning desire for revenge—wanting to get even. Tony Campolo. | Privacy Policy, How You Can Be Sure You Are Eternally Secure. – Joyce Meyer But I did know I was sinful, and I did know He was glorious. We measure that by our love. Emulations. Prov. I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't understand this. Liberty “The law my friend.” See the first verse of this 5th chapter of Galatians. 9. God sets the circumstances of our lives and so influences things that our choices are made in accordance with his plans. Divisions. Now, the way he controls all things may differ. You can also send us your prayer requests. But James adds, “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. See verse 18. Here are reasons to remind you why you should let God take control of your life, even in those moments you want to maintain the power. False doctrines. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Why not share these with someone right now, while you’re thinking about it. Disconnecting sovereignty over the destination from sovereignty on the ship is unbiblical. Trusting in God is a lifelong process. But what does that really mean if we examine it, and how do you have one? I let God be in control. As I submit myself to you, I know that you will direct my paths and I can have confidence that your direction is always the best way to go. If you think that you can be faith filled, obedient, and holy on this cruise ship without the sovereign enabling of God, then you don’t know your own sinfulness, and you don’t know the preciousness of the work of the Holy Spirit on the ship. Therefore, as I received the Lord Jesus by repentance and faith, I so walk in Him, because, you see, as I learn more about me, I’m finding more and more to repent of. To him be glory, not just for getting us to the destination by sovereign decrees, but also for enabling us to do everything good that we have to do on this ship. If you are having doubts about God's Control in the trials of your life, or if you wonder how God’s word relates to your trials, Dr. Youseff's book will assist and encourage you. And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. Anything that God leads you to do, He will give you the grace to do. 20:7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 1 Stand fast in the _____________ wherewith Christ has made us ______, and be not entangled again with the _______ of _______________.. Legion: Rediscovering the God Who Rescues Me . It governs every aspect of nature, every aspect of history, national life, personal life — nothing, absolutely nothing, is outside God… Walking is a series of steps. If what Josh means by our decisions being open — that is what he said: “open to free volition” — is that we have ultimate self-determination on the ship, well, the answer is we don’t. Ps. I am a Christian of only a few years, and am learning more about Calvinism and election in my studies. I get it all the time. He’s in control of my life. You may think idol worship is only practiced in a primitive society. This is not saying that if you “do works” you will be saved, but those who do obey are going to be blessed. God is not in control. Prov. On one hand you have the works of the flesh. “Pastor John, hello! She always says ‘God is in control’ I looked in my concordance and the word ‘control… He has the power to shorten or prolong it. On the contrary, I worked [on this cruise ship] harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.” The destination on the ship and all of our life on the ship are governed by the one “who works all things [on the ship and in our destination — all things] according to the counsel of his will” — his merciful will (Ephesians 1:11). Bible verses about God Is In Control. Here’s another way to say it. Outside of the Spirit there are pleasures I need to make me happy.”. “…these are contrary, one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would.”. Even so, the lyrics affirm the need to praise God during the difficult times, that God never leaves our side, even during our darkest and direr moments. This is like a bird dying in a forest somewhere that only God knows about. Even when I fight His will, His grace comes like a flood and leads me to where I need to be! Worry is caused by not trusting God to take care of our lives. People who distort the true Word of God. Modern Americans have plenty of idols. Not seeing the law as your enemy. Don’t drink this. As I repent of my sins, repentance is God’s way of revealing myself to me. There must be the commencement of that walk. God is trustworthy. To take the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit, by which we are enabled to do what pleases God, away from the ship is crazy. I would say the book of James, in the New Testament, is virtually thinking the same way that Josh is thinking — namely, we’re on this boat, and the question is, Are the random, seemingly insignificant little things we choose on the boat governed by God? It governs every aspect of nature, every aspect of history, national life, personal life — nothing, absolutely nothing, is outside God’s sovereign governance. Finally, he concludes in Job 42:2, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” No purpose of God’s can be vetoed by a purpose of man. NEXT you stay inside the parameters. So God is totally in control. Any sexual activity before marriage. Related Products. A belief in God’s sovereignty is distinct from fatalism, which denies human free will.Humans are able to make genuine choices that have real consequences. With each day as I humbled myself to do God’s will, my joy returned. The Spirit-controlled life, therefore, is like walking. And then he makes the wonderful application: “Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:30–31). Rivers and people get crooked by following the path of least resistance. “The king’s heart is a stream of water [this would be one of the crew members on the ship] in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will” (Proverbs 21:1). My steps are ordered. The first is to be loved and the second is to love. Wow! He reports to nobody. And then I am going to walk one step at a time, by repentance and faith, through this life. Question: have you started? The word for “rule” is the same word we get “umpire” from. If there’s anything you love, fear, or serve more than God, you have a life controlled by the flesh. So when we say, “God is sovereign,” we declare that by virtue of His creatorship over all of life and reality He is an all-knowing, all-powerful and benevolent ruler. But on the open water, what we each do on the ship is open to our own free volition. Letting go is scary at first, but the freedom in our mind and hearts will be worth it. Summary Death is an enemy to humanity, but it is not out of God's control. That’s what Job had to learn in 42 chapters of warfare with God. Discipline does not restrict you; it frees you. He is not required at any time to give to any person any explanation for anything He says or does. “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand” (Proverbs 19:21). God is in control, and we’re not, so I need to remember that when things look out of control. Why does God allow failure and disappointments to happen if he's really in control? This adult Sunday school curriculum offers 13 weeks of engaging conversation about how God guides and leads his people. There is no human ultimate self-determination. In fact, with God there is no big or small. God does not control us. James says, “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit.’” So, you think you’re going to go somewhere on this ship. God’s control, his authority, gives us freedom because “the human will is free when it is not in bondage to prefer and choose irrationally. I’m not going to live a life of legalism and see the law as my master. Sorry, A.W. Only God has ultimate self-determination. God is in control of your life and future! ️ We want to think we have control to feel safe and secure. Any use or disposition He chooses to make of any part of His creation is His sovereign right. Don’t touch that. It's a beautiful book and I would suggest the book to anyone interested in theological discussion. A long time friend who led me to the Lord rebukes me continually to the point I have to cut the tie sorta speak. The flesh and the Spirit are warring in you right now, and it’s up to you. What is the first word of this verse? (Paperback) Authored by Group Publishing Released at 2015 Filesize: 4.91 MB Reviews The publication is fantastic and great. God Is in Control God is the creator and controller of the universe and all that is in it, whether animate or inanimate. And I’ve learned a whole lot more about Him, and it’s better than I ever thought it was. Filled with personal reflections from Dr. Youssef's own life, this book will show you how to recognize God's work in your life. The creator and controller of the ship, and that is in control time. Guides and leads me to trust in the faith your life order to be led! 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